MAS 110: The new generation of extruders from MAS - compact and powerful at the same time.

MAS applications in upcycling and extrusion technology

Solution approaches in the plastics field

MAS is the trend­set­ter for plas­tics upcy­cling with effi­cient extru­sion machin­ery and extru­sion lines.

Whether a sin­gle machine or an entire upcy­cling line, whether post-con­sumer upcy­cling or upcy­cling of pro­duc­tion waste, whether stan­dard plas­tic or high-qual­i­ty extru­sion of PET and oth­er engi­neer­ing plas­tics, whether regrind, film or fiber:

MAS turns your require­ments in extru­sion tech­nol­o­gy into real­i­ty with tai­lor-made solu­tion con­cepts!

MAS twin screw tech­nol­o­gy is specif­i­cal­ly designed to meet the require­ments of high-qual­i­ty recy­cling and re-com­pound­ing process­es.

Expertise for individual machinery and lines

To devel­op your solu­tion con­cept, MAS draws on many years of unique process knowl­edge in twin-screw recy­cling as well as mod­u­lar machine con­cepts. This is how your auto­mat­ed pro­duc­tion machine or pro­duc­tion line is cre­at­ed, from raw mate­ri­als to high-qual­i­ty regran­u­late.

Extra­or­di­nary flex­i­bil­i­ty in appli­ca­tion and inte­grat­ed process mon­i­tor­ing facil­i­tate the pro­duc­tion of a wide array of high-grade re-gran­u­lates and re-com­pounds.

Machines and sys­tems from MAS stand for eco­nom­i­cal, sus­tain­able and future-proof invest­ments! You will be impressed by our wide range of appli­ca­tions in extru­sion tech­nol­o­gy, PET pro­cess­ing and poly­olefin pro­cess­ing.

Get in touch with our upcy­cling experts today!