Extruder maintenance and customer support

MAS customer services

Beyond the secu­ri­ty of tech­ni­cal and com­mer­cial deci­sion-mak­ing, trust in an organ­i­sa­tion and the secu­ri­ty of long-term sup­port through­out the equipment’s lifes­pan – from extrud­er main­te­nance to repairs or upgrade – is an impor­tant con­cern when invest­ing in machin­ery and facil­i­ties.

That’s why we don’t just see our cus­tomer ser­vices as sup­port for the main­te­nance and ser­vice of your machin­ery, but also as a pack­age of sup­port­ing ser­vices that grant you safe­ty and opti­mum sup­port for your long-term invest­ment deci­sion.



07:00 — 19:00 CEZ
08:00 — 15:00 CEZ