MAS 110: The new generation of extruders from MAS - compact and powerful at the same time.

Process-operated CDF melt filtration from MAS

Efficient. Material-conserving. Durable.

With the CDF melt fil­ter, MAS is set­ting new stan­dards in the fil­tra­tion of heav­i­ly con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed plas­tics. The intel­li­gent, ful­ly process-con­trolled melt fil­tra­tion auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts to the sup­plied mate­r­i­al and reacts in real time to chang­ing degrees of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.

The melt fil­ter cleans even heav­i­ly con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed plas­tics in the poly­olefin range, oper­at­ing con­tin­u­ous­ly and fil­ter­ing out even the small­est and most lubri­cat­ing residues, such as dust, stones, and sheet con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. Dis­cov­er the effi­cient, mate­r­i­al-sav­ing, and long-last­ing solu­tion in melt fil­tra­tion from MAS for your­self!


Tracking Control

auto­mat­ed adjust­ment of the melt fil­tra­tion para­me­ters and min­i­mized melt loss through inte­grat­ed track­ing con­trol

More filtration options

high-per­for­mance removal of paper, wood, and plas­tic par­ti­cles, as well as dust, stones, and fine sheet residues

Very easy maintenance

quick and effec­tive (with scraper exchange) with­out line down­time

Longer service life

thanks to high-qual­i­ty work­man­ship, process-opti­mized con­trol, and opti­mized screen area

How adaptive melt filtration works

The CDF melt fil­ter from MAS adapts to indi­vid­ual con­di­tions and reacts to the mate­r­i­al sup­plied from the extrud­er and its degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. Unlike oth­er fil­ters, the CDF oper­ates con­tin­u­ous­ly and can be pre­cise­ly con­trolled to the required process point. The melt pres­sure (which is kept con­stant as a result) increas­es the qual­i­ty of the fil­tered mate­r­i­al, ensures less waste, and—thanks to var­i­ous screens and blades—impresses with low-main­te­nance dura­bil­i­ty.

All fac­tors in the process of melt fil­tra­tion can be adjust­ed at any time via the PLC, either man­u­al­ly or auto­mat­i­cal­ly with track­ing con­trol reg­u­la­tion. The fil­ter discs, made of high-qual­i­ty steel, offer a fil­tra­tion fine­ness of 90 μm to 1,000 μm and a large active fil­ter sur­face, ensur­ing high through­put even at par­tic­u­lar­ly low spe­cif­ic val­ues. The melt pres­sure also remains low, increas­ing the ser­vice life of the fil­ter discs. Depend­ing on the degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, the tear-off pres­sure on the blades is increased or decreased to main­tain a con­stant melt pres­sure. Sim­i­lar­ly, the screw dis­charge speed adjusts to the degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of the sup­plied mate­r­i­al. This can also be adjust­ed via the PLC. There are also dif­fer­ent screw geome­tries for dif­fer­ent types and lev­els of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. The result: min­i­mized melt loss and excep­tion­al pro­duc­tion effi­cien­cy.

Thanks to this adapt­able, mate­r­i­al-friend­ly per­for­mance, the melt fil­tra­tion sys­tem can remove even heavy con­t­a­m­i­nants from poly­olefins that would clog the fil­ter holes in con­ven­tion­al melt fil­ters. This results in a high qual­i­ty of fil­tered mate­r­i­al.

MAS 110

Big & Compact.

The new MAS 110 extrud­er increas­es through­put and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty when recy­cling and upcy­cling plas­tics — ide­al for larg­er recy­cling and com­pound­ing plants.

Für jede Anlage geeignet

Der Schmelze­filter CDF von MAS ist in ver­schiede­nen Aus­führun­gen und Fil­ter­größen (CDF 300 und CDF 500‑D) erhältlich. Durch den Gegen­druck der inno­v­a­tiv­en MAS-Fil­ter wer­den zähe Mate­ri­alien von der Plat­te abgesch­abt, was selb­st bei großen Fil­ter­flächen Ablagerun­gen und Ver­stop­fun­gen ver­hin­dert. Dadurch reduziert sich der Wartungsaufwand bei gle­ichzeit­ig erhöhter Lebens­dauer der einzel­nen Kom­po­nen­ten. Die CDF-Schmelze­filtra­tion wird serien­mäßig in MAS-Anla­gen einge­baut. Ob und wie stark diese mitläuft, kann jed­erzeit indi­vidu­ell fest­gelegt und bei Bedarf nachjustiert wer­den. Zudem bietet sich die CDF-Tech­nolo­gie für die Nachrüs­tung beste­hen­der Anla­gen an – beispiel­sweise als Ersatz beste­hen­der, abgenutzter oder nicht aus­re­ichend leis­tungsstark­er Fil­ter oder zum erst­ma­li­gen Ein­bau zwis­chen Kun­den­bauteilen nach der Extru­sion. Sämtliche Ver­schleiß- und Ersatzteile sowie Wartungspakete sind direkt bei MAS erhältlich.

Further advantages of our unique technology

even with large amounts of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion and high­ly lubri­cat­ing sub­stances

con­sis­tent fil­tra­tion qual­i­ty at low melt pres­sure increas­es the ser­vice life of the fil­ter discs

· sep­a­rate, speed-con­trolled dri­ve for fil­ter discs and the dis­charge screw

high sav­ings and fast amor­ti­za­tion with­in a few years

freely selec­table sizes, inter­change­able and adapt­able depend­ing on the mate­r­i­al quan­ti­ty and degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion

up to 4,000 kg/h pos­si­ble depend­ing on vis­cos­i­ty, degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, and fil­tra­tion fine­ness

under­stand­able, intu­itive sys­tem

all knives, fil­ter sur­faces, and oth­er spare parts avail­able from MAS, also as com­plete replace­ment pack­ages

Get your automatic adaptive CDF melt filter

Con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion, full automa­tion, and the best melt qual­i­ty make the inno­v­a­tive melt fil­tra­tion from MAS the first choice for fil­ter­ing heav­i­ly con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed plas­tics. Our experts will be hap­py to advise you on the var­i­ous pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions and find the right solu­tion for new and exist­ing sys­tems. We look for­ward to your inquiry!


MAS — Downloadcenter

Informative. Innovative. Holistic.

Dis­cov­er excit­ing details about our prod­ucts, sys­tems and inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies from Aus­tria.

Secure your deci­sive, free infor­ma­tion advan­tage!

What is MAS?

Found­ed by recy­cling pio­neer Hel­muth Schulz in 2006, the com­pa­ny is rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the exceed­ing­ly high qual­i­ty stan­dards of twin-screw extrud­ers for the recy­cling indus­try. MAS mas­ters the chal­lenges of mod­ern recy­cling and upcy­cling require­ments thanks to its patent­ed tech­nol­o­gy and became an inter­na­tion­al dri­ver of inno­va­tion in no time. Cus­tomers around the world now ben­e­fit from envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly added val­ue while sav­ing ener­gy and resources.

Get in touch with us


Area Sales Manager

Estera Jamrozek

Area Sales Manager

Ivica Radic

Area Sales Manager

Michael Wöber

Area Sales Manager

Thomas Lehner

Area Sales Manager