About MAS, the plastics machine manufacturer

Innovation for a better environment

The suc­cess sto­ry of MAS is based on pio­neer­ing spir­it, inno­va­tion, tire­less dili­gence, the high per­son­al ded­i­ca­tion of our employ­ees, and our pas­sion for mak­ing a real and sus­tain­able con­tri­bu­tion to a con­serv­ing recy­cling econ­o­my as part of soci­ety. Our aspi­ra­tion as a plas­tics machine man­u­fac­tur­er exceeds just com­mon plas­tics recy­cling. It is our phi­los­o­phy to upval­ue raw recy­cling mate­ri­als with our process­es and equip­ment to ensure reusabil­i­ty in high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts. We realise this upcy­cling with eco­nom­i­cal­ly and eco­log­i­cal­ly effi­cient equip­ment solu­tions.

Support in the upcycling field

We offer our cus­tomers a wide vari­ety of inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the upcy­cling process. An effec­tive and suc­cess-ori­ent­ed part­ner­ship with our cus­tomers is of the utmost impor­tance to us. We inten­sive­ly sup­port our cus­tomers with ser­vices and knowhow dur­ing the impor­tant phase of equip­ment design, and gen­er­ate an upcy­cling solu­tion befit­ting the task togeth­er.

What matters for MAS

We imple­ment and ser­vice our cus­tomers’ upcy­cling sys­tems quick­ly and reli­ably with a strong team of project man­agers, process engi­neers, design­ers, automa­tion engi­neers, sys­tem fit­ters as well as ser­vice and com­mis­sion­ing tech­ni­cians. We rely on a team of long­time, expe­ri­enced employ­ees.

In busi­ness rela­tions with our cus­tomers and sup­pli­ers we place great empha­sis on respect­ful treat­ment and integri­ty. As a sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly-run busi­ness, we are com­mit­ted to a long-term sta­ble and sus­tain­able eco­log­i­cal mind­set.

If you would like to learn more about us or enlist our ser­vices, get in touch. We’ll get back to you.